Achievement runners is a blog about people that are like wanting to boost their gamerscore on xbox live. However, this can be also for PS3 people that want to get trophies and wii owners that actually do miraculous things. Of course we do achievement runs and tournaments too. So thats Achievement Runners

Saturday, October 11, 2008

This week in achievements - Saturday 10/11

Sorry that I didn't post another update but today will be about the end war BETA. Well the end war beta was sweet, it was to me pretty inventive because of the voice activation commands. Sure you can do this by the controller but it would be a chore. It is also pretty responsive as pick up my commands very easily

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TGS: Halo 3 Recon

Holy Shit!!! When I was browsing IGN today and I found a NEW HALO GAME!!! Yes a NEW HALO GAME!!! Why am I putting in caps. Simple. I really like halo. I am happpy that they made a new game because I sometimes hate halo 3 a little bit. But anyways, This kept me for more hype. So Here is the trailer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Videos will be coming soon. Check out the twitter page to see if there is any videos posting now or check out the youtube page for videos too.