Achievement runners is a blog about people that are like wanting to boost their gamerscore on xbox live. However, this can be also for PS3 people that want to get trophies and wii owners that actually do miraculous things. Of course we do achievement runs and tournaments too. So thats Achievement Runners

Friday, October 3, 2008

This week in achievements - Friday 10/03

Well, this is the first official blog. This Week in achievements are things that we talk about what achievements are brand spanking new or achievements are eye catching. This is also like a Q&A session on what questions are on your mind and so fort. So yeah, that simple. But anyways, on to some news. The new xbox experience will have the marketplace be like a retail store. It will have box art, some synopsis and all that stuff. In addition, It will give you some depth into the game. Like a Halo 3 content will be in separate boxes. (Source: Gamerscore) . That concludes This week in achievements.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Achievement Hunters -Castle crashers

Okay, I watched achievement hunter today and it sucked literally. First, it was choppy and bad. It is obvious to UStream TV because of the live feed. Now second, people were like dropping out of games. This may be a problem because of the new update that was introduced like a couple of days ago. And third, which was the biggest of all, there was a lot of switching games. Now, it said that they will be playing castle crashers but for some reason (primarily the update and game ) they can't get people to join or to like I said on the top they just drop out (that was Knuckles Dawson that was dropping). But in the end, Knuckles saved the show and I saw him playing PURE and it was sweet. Also , I won a skateboard which was pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Youtube & Ustream TV

I will put videos on youtube and Ustream Tv. I will also put a twitter on there to notify you on new vids

Welcome to Achievement Runners

Welcome to achievement runners! This a blog about the latest achievements that you have done or I have done. You can email me your stories at Soon, I will have gaming tournaments and achievement marathons. But for now, I will be hanging on.